
The Sights of San Francisco: Samsung Imagelogger Trip Day 2

Yesterday was the first real full day of the "Real Time Explorer" Imagelogger trip. Imagine a full day of taking pictures of some of the most famous sights of a picturesque town. I've also gotten to know my fellow Imageloggers a little better. While there are only four of us from the US program, we have been joined by Imageloggers from Italy, Korea and Hong Kong. All of my campions are professional photographers, being the sole "mom blogger" of the trip, it quickly became evident that I bring a different skill set to the table. My photos are focused more on people and food - I've dubbed myself the party photographer of the trip. It was a long, but amazing day....


DISCLOSURE: This was an all expense paid press as part of the Samsung Imagelogger program. All images in this post were taken with the Samsung NX300 SMART camera. Samsung provided me with a camera to participate in the #Imagelogger program. All opinions and photographs are my own. Over the next few months I will be sharing images taken with the NX300 SMART camera on Twitter, Facebook and here on my blog. If you want to follow along and check out some of the images the other Imageloggers are taking - just follow the hashtag: #Imagelogger.   

The City By The Bay: Exploring San Francisco With Samsung NX300

This week I'm in San Francisco with Samsung as part of the #Imagelogger program. Daily, I'm going to be posting images of some of the most beautiful sights the city has to offer. Hope you enjoy the city through the view of my NX300 lens!

Here's a few I snapped yesterday after arriving...

DISCLOSURE: This was an all expense paid press as part of the Samsung Imagelogger program. All images in this post were taken with the Samsung NX300 SMART camera. Samsung provided me with a camera to participate in the #Imagelogger program. All opinions and photographs are my own. Over the next few months I will be sharing images taken with the NX300 SMART camera on Twitter, Facebook and here on my blog. If you want to follow along and check out some of the images the other Imageloggers are taking - just follow the hashtag: #Imagelogger.