
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: NORDSTROM ANNIVERSARY SALE!

Can you feel Fall in the air?

No? Yea, I know. Summer just began. Which means Nordstrom is forcing us to take stock of our FALL clothing needs. And OH DO THEY TEMPT US. 

Nordstom is the devil... a fabulous, perfectly styled, devil... 

I spent some time on the pre-sale website today. And no matter what season it is, sweater, boot and new jeans love is in the air. 


Nordstrom Anniversary Sale - Boots




accessories from Nordstrom anniversary sale




clothes - nordstrom anniversary sale 2013



Of course as I'm cruising the Nordstrom website, I have the song "I wanna be a millionaire..." going through my head. 



Who Wants BOOTS for Christmas? Win $150 to Country Outfitter! *Ends Wednesday*

Contest is now over: Congrats Candice @FashOrganized!


Confession: I haven't worn cowboy boots in about 18 years. 

When I wore them last I was working at "Guess?" in my local mall. Jeans, oversized t-shirts tucked into blazers and cowboy boots were THE uniform of any proper "Guess Girl" of the early 1990's. But times changed, as did styles and I traded my Cowboy boots for high-heel sneakers. 

The past few Fall/Winter months I've been looking again at Cowboy boots and thinking about how cute, and comfortable, they are. I also love the look of boots and dresses in the summer. Then Everyday Mama Christine showed up to Zoe's 5th bday party in a gorgeous pair of brown cowboy boots.

Then THEY appeared as if out of heaven on Facebook stream. The stunning turquoise Corral boots who's image have lived on my side bar for the past few months. And I HAD to have them. 

HAD TO. As in didn't stop talking/thinking/looking at them online for weeks. 

And now they are mine. And I LOVE THEM. 

They are comfortable, have enough of a heel to give me some height and they are OH SO BEAUTIFUL. I wore them yesterday and no less than 5 different people stopped to ask me where I got them. They are simply perfect. 

And because I love you all so, I'm giving you a chance to rock your own pair of boots that will make you deliriously happy with a $150 gift certificate from Country Outfitter.

Will you chose my turquoise Corral babies or maybe a distressed black lizard? Maybe you want a always classic brown Ariat or put the GC to a sweet pair of fashionable knee highs? Whatever your style, just do me a favor and get yourself something, ok? Giving boots are fabulous gift, but I think YOU deserve a little something-something for yourself. Be selfish. It's okay.

(ok, you don't really HAVE to - I just really want you to)

To enter this contest you only have to do TWO things.

1) Leave a comment below telling me which boots are striking your fancy from the Country Outfitter website

2) CLICK HERE and enter your email

Bonus entry:

*Tweet and/Or Post on Facebook: 

"Woo Hoo! @HipMamaB is giving away $150 for BOOTS from Country Outfitter!"

then comment with the link to your post!

Contest runs thru December 19th


IMPORTANT: You must submit your email address to enter. Country Outfitter will occasionally send you marketing messages. You are welcome to opt out at any time. For an additional entry please leave a comment below letting me know you entered. Also, you must be a US Resident 18 years and older. Both the email entries and the comments are needed to qualify. 

*disclosure: CountryOutfitter, a retailer of Corral Boots sent me these turquoise cortez boots to review and this $150 gift certificate to giveaway. Opinions are my own. 





Monday Confessional: Baby's got...calves

I've loved knee-high boots for years. When they first walked their way into fashion five years ago (or so) I told myself I didn't need them and that they will be out of fashion by next season. The following year I tried to talk myself into thinking they were ugly. The year after that...oh, who knows what my excuse was. The reason I wasn't rockin' the look was this: I have big calves. 

While I'm not sure they are "fat", they are apparently disproportionately large to my foot and/or body according to the boot making industry. Out of all the areas on my body that I was worried about storing excess fat, my calves were never one of them. So why can't I squeeze these leg sausages into the leather casings they so deserve and desire?! Other women have gaps between their boot sleeves and legs, but I'm wishing they made Spanx socks that allow me to loose inches in just moments.

But you know this hasn't stopped me. I was thrilled last year when I found the Steve Madden mini-wedge boots (you know the ones, the ones that were part of the Nordstrom Anniversary sale last July and EVERY 3rd woman bought?) because they were larger in the calf. Then last January when San Diego hit a bit of a rainy season, I had a perfect excuse to a pair of Hunter rainboots. Which I could barely pull up. BUT WHATEVER. 

This week San Diego got an early rain, and while I wasn't planning on pulling out the boots for a few more months, I was excited to move my feet into fall. Until I put on my old Steve Madden lovers... and they were tighter than normal. Today was a full on rainy day and the perfect day to bust out the Hunters. Sitting on my bed I pulled and pulled and finally got them up, and promptly lost all blood flow to my feet. I wanted to cry. Did I GAIN weight in my calves this summer?

Clomping down the stairs ala Frankenstein in my green Hunters, it hit me. The stairs. New house. First time with STAIRS. While I was hoping that the 18+ stairs up to the second floor would help transform my body, I hoped it would help me to drop a quick 10 lbs - not make my calves EVEN bigger. 

So my Monday Confession for October 4th: I'm Beth and I have large calves. Sigh.